Friday, October 29, 2010

Empire Uniforms

Hey folks. Just posting in my Empire's livery on my experimental handgunner. I liked the way the blue contrasts with the yellow, so I'm going to stick with that theme for the remainder of my Empire.

Oh, and to those who are going to tell me I should have based before painting first, well.....your right. Good news though is that only he and a couple others will be an annoyance to base, the remainder of my army haven't been base coated yet, so I'll get to basing my dudes before painting any further.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dragon complete bar the base.

So this guy is finally done. I am proud of my paint work, considering it has been a while since I last painted a miniature, let alone a dragon. Only thing left is to give it a base and then we are good to go.

First post and painted dragon wip pic

Hi all, My name is Papajubs and I am a big fanatic of Games Workshop. I have been playing it for around 8 years now and I absolute love all the games, storys and general fluff behind the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 universes. I currently play Empire for fantasy and Orks for 40k. Now enough about me, lets get on to the models.

Heres my first painted Lotr dragon that I am using for fantasy. Right now I use him as the great red dragon whenever my beast wizard gets the 6th spell, someday though ill use his as a mount for any future dark army I play.